Here you can find our two PRiSMA BluelightProtect lens blanks LiTE95 and PRO99 made of plastic (organic lenses) with a diameter of 70 mm.
With these blanks, your optician can use his classic craftsmanship to produce the right shape for your desired frame.
It is best to ask your optician beforehand.
Here you can find our two PRiSMA BluelightProtect lens blanks LiTE95 and PRO99 made of plastic (organic lenses) with a diameter of 70 mm . With these blanks, your optician can use his...
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Here you can find our two PRiSMA BluelightProtect lens blanks LiTE95 and PRO99 made of plastic (organic lenses) with a diameter of 70 mm.
With these blanks, your optician can use his classic craftsmanship to produce the right shape for your desired frame.
It is best to ask your optician beforehand.